The basic program is to fly as far as possible, usually down the range past Radium and on to Canal Flats. Extra points are given for flying from Mt. 7 to anywhere down the range and all the way back. Last year Keith MacCallough and I had few great days, flying a 168K flight out and back on the best day. That flight went almost to Radium from Golden and back, a great day of flying. Golden is probably my favorite flying site in the world, there is nothing like bombing along the tops of peaks for huge distances. There are a lot of good pilots coming including Canadian HG champion Bret Hazlett, should be a great week of going far and high, yeah! Hope to see lots of friends there. My friends OJ and Miles are in town, wanted to do a little base jumping but too windy (I don't jump anymore, I was just going to walk up and down).
Yesterday's "maintenance" workout:
Ran on Bench for 30 minutes, did Yoga. I'm glad to be at home where it's easy to get out the door and do stuff, plus the dog is motivational...

Roger Chayer photo of Chili, the high-speed mutt caught in an unusual still moment.