Thursday, January 18, 2007

Religion and "Wow!"

Thanks for the comments and emails on the Religion topic. I'm getting ready for the show tonight plus some other stuff, but wanted to note that looking for spiritual answers and through that mental exercise feeling connected to the world is something I am very much interested in. Mocking someone else's attempt at spirituality is often a defense mechanism for one's own beliefs rather than an attempt at understanding and sharing the joy of being alive together as humans. I've been reading more Buddhist writing lately, a big part of that is questioning and thinking rather than trying to work in absolutes. Absolutes are limiting and not much fun; thinking and growing mentally are far more engaging, at least when I stop being a lazy bastard and work at it...

Anyhow, I know that there are powerful experiences in life that resonate more deeply with us as individuals than others. Those moments where we all go, sometimes silently and sometimes at the top of our lungs, "Wow!" Whether we attribute those moments to God, the Flying Spaghetti Monster (there's actually a religion on that too, Google it...) or just our visceral response to the amazing world we live in is perhaps less relevant than feeling the moments move us. The "grit" of daily life sometimes wears away at me, those moments are what help rebuild at least me. Some friends of mine just sent some photos of climbing in the Austrian mountains this morning, I just know they were having some great "Wow!" moments. May we all have more of these.



Gord McArthur said...

Hey there Will, this is Gordon McArthur (havok magazine, i was just on your blog...reading some of the religious comments/entries.

I'm curious to know what your take is on christianity. Three years ago i became a christian and it has made a monster difference in my life, especially in the adventure sports world. I find myself (these days) relying on God for his direction and guidance.

Just this weekend past some friend of mine and I did a trip up to Jumbo Cabin (sick skiing). Anyways, with any trip there usually lays an epic. OF course we had a few. But within those times of desperosity, a few of us found ourselves praying to God that he would have mercy on us, in essence, guide us out of trouble. Sure enough, at the last our whitts end he came through for us.

The interesting thing is that, more often than not, even those who care not to admit, find themselves asking for Gods help when the rubber hits the road. But you ask that person when things are calm and collective "where is God now", so many times i've heard "oh i don't believe in God".

I guess it's just interesting where peoples' hearts are really at when it really counts.

I have to apologize but reading your blog i just found out about Harry. My heart goes out to his family, and i'm sure the climbers around the kootenay area will be praying for them (his family and friends).

God has a purpose. Sometimes, well actually most times we have no idea what his plan is. Most times, not knowing, a huge ammount of frustration drives us batty, but i know that's where faith comes. "We are to have faith in the things that we can't see, not the things in which we can see" - Jesus.

Faith is so hard to grasp when we don't understand, but i suppose the peace i receive just knowing that God is in control, is enough to understand that his plan is Perfect. And that with anything, good or bad, he will use it for amazing things.

"We should be so one with God that we don't need to ask continually for guidance, that we wont' have to ask why."
-Oswald Chambers

I know this is a bunch of ranting, but for some reason i felt i should write this.

Look forward to any reply.


Gordon McArthur

Brian Lawrence said...

Each person’s spiritual journey is inherently different. There are many spiritual pathways leading to the same destination.